How to Clean a Snapback Hat
There are few things that are more disappointing than pulling your favorite snapback cap out of the closet to find that it’s finally too sweat-stained or dirty to wear in public. Typically, when you find a hat that you love, one that fits your head perfectly, it can be hard to stop wearing it. Your beloved snapback goes everywhere with you, until one day, you realize that it’s so filthy, you’ve become too embarrassed to put it on.

Luckily, there are resources available that will teach you how to clean a snapback hat, so you can continue to wear yours proudly. It’s unlikely that you won’t be able to help it look like new.
However, in the event that you find yourself in need of a new snapback, you’ll want to check out the wide selection of hats available at Poleberg, where you’re sure to find a snapback that’s worthy of becoming your new favorite hat!
How to Properly Clean a Snapback
Before you set out to clean your snapback, you’ll want to ensure that you have the right tools handy. Following the correct process regarding how to clean a snapback hat without ruining it is essential to keeping your hats looking like new, and this is what you’ll need:
- Warm water
- A mild laundry detergent or soap (fragrance-free and hypoallergenic options work well)
- A small, clean towel
- An old toothbrush
Most of these things you probably already have in your home, and if not, they are likely available at your local dollar store. When it comes to the laundry detergent or soap, you’ll want to use something that won’t interfere with the fabric of your snapback, so it’s best to choose fragrance-free or hypoallergenic.
These soaps, in particular, were manufactured to be gentle on skin and fabrics. Most laundry detergent manufacturers carry a free and clear version of their traditional soaps, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to find.
Once you’ve collected your supplies, it’s time to set up your cleaning station and fix up that snapback! To keep your Poleberg exclusives looking like new, you’ll need to follow these steps:
- Place your cleaning tools somewhere that can get wet, such as a kitchen table or counter
- Combine ¼ cup of warm water with ¼ cup of mild soap
- Take your small towel, and swirl the soap and water around in the bowl to better mix them
- Remove the excess water from your towel by wringing it out over the bowl
- Gently rub the towel in circular motions over your snapback until you’ve removed any dirt and stains.
- Once it’s clean, wipe the hat down one more time with the towel and place it somewhere to dry
- If your snapback is extremely wet, you’ll want to place it on a head-shaped object to dry, such as a ball or a mannequin, if you have access to one. Oddly enough, most craft stores carry foam heads for a reasonable price.
Now you know how to clean a snapback hat!
Keeping Your Hats Looking Great
At Poleberg, we know how important it is to our customers that our hats stand the test of time. While we offer various collections of high-quality snapback hats that hold up to the wear and tear of everyday life, even hats from Poleberg are bound to get dirty at some point.
When you combine the knowledge of how to clean a snapback hat with a quality hat, you can be certain that the hat will last for a long time. If and when your beloved snapback finally gives out due to constant wear, we can assure you that we’ll be waiting with the perfect replacement. Shop our collections today!